5 Real Estate Marketing Tips

By April 19, 2016 Real Estate

Selling real estate isn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. It’s like fishing for deep-sea fish. You might have days of nothing, and then when a bite does come along, you need to move carefully to avoid snapping your line, or losing your fish entirely. Part of that is skill, and part of it is experience, but it helps to have a plan in place before you even get started.

If you’re still formulating your strategy, these tips from the National Association of Realtors, Fit Small Business, and Placester will help you reach your goals.

5 Real Estate Marketing Tips

Tip #1: Write Blockbuster Listings

Sometimes all it takes to sell a property, or at least to get someone interested, is an eye-catching listing. That’s why, if you’re listing a property, it’s important to tap into that inner poet for a little bit of flash when it comes time to put words on the page. Or, if engaging writing isn’t your specialty, hire someone who can make the listing pop. The investment will be well worth the cost.

Tip #2: Create an Elevator Pitch

While typically something associated with novelists, and Hollywood screen writers, an elevator pitch is a necessity for realtors as well. Imagine you’re in an elevator with someone, and that person mentions they’re looking for a new realtor to help them get an ideal property. You have until the fifth floor to make the case as to why they should trust you to handle their needs, rather than some other realtor. You’ve got 30 seconds, and that’s not a time you want to be struggling to explain what you can do for this potential client.

Tip #3: Network in Your Community

Realtors need to know more than which pieces of property are for sale; they need to know who lives in the communities they sell in. That’s why it’s a good idea to join associations, come to local meetups, and to know as many people as possible. The bigger your social network, the more likely it is people who want to buy real estate will come to you. After all, you’re not some random realtor to them. They know you, and they trust you, which can make all the difference.

Tip #4: Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words

Any realtor worth his or her salt knows that pictures of a property are always better than just a description, and that if you have the two together they’re greater than the sum of their parts. However, it’s important to make sure all the images on your website are high-quality. That includes your photograph, so if you don’t have a professional head shot, adding one should become a top priority.

Tip #5: Don’t Be Afraid To Make A Video

In the long ago and far away, making a video for your business was a truly expensive endeavor. Now, though, you can shoot and edit a video using the camera in your smartphone, and the basic software that comes on your computer. If you can develop an on-screen persona that customers find approachable and endearing, then you could give a video tour of properties to try to catch potential clients’ eyes. It is time-consuming, but it can also help you get that edge over the competition when it comes to moving a property. Especially if the videos you make get popular, and more people than just the local residents start watching and sharing it with all their friends on social media.

For more great ways you can up your real estate marketing game, and increase the amount of business coming through your office, simply contact us today!

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